Sderot Yeshiva honors family of fallen counterterror operator

This past Sunday, on the 8th night of Hanukkah, the Max and Ruth Schwartz Hesder Yeshiva of Sderot hosted Efrat Raz, whose husband Noam was killed in action in the Jenin area a few months ago. For the past decade the Yeshiva has paid tribute to fallen heroes of Israel during their traditional Hannukah candle […]
Sderot’s ‘Big Brothers’ offer crucial support for the city’s youth

‘Given the very complex situation in Sderot, the children suffer from post-trauma even when it’s quiet,’ says Sderot Hesder Yeshiva’s Rabbi Ari Katz. The Israeli city of Sderot in the western Negev, located just one kilometer from Gaza, is constantly under the threat of terror rocket attacks. Even though Sderot has come a long way over […]
Sderot: More than Missiles

(June 26, 2022 – Sharon Altshul This week I am taking you way off the Jerusalem streets. The first time, I wrote about Sderot was over ten years ago. Then I wrote again over and over to stop the rockets. In 2012, on the way home from the south we saw the Iron Dome at work in its early days. […]
Sderot flourishing in the crosshairs of Hamas terror

Around 30,000 people live in Sderot and most plan on staying, despite living under the constant threat of rocket attacks from Gaza. BY JUDY LASH BALINT (June 23, 2022 / JNS) In any other country, Sderot would be just an idyllic, well-maintained small town. But in southwestern Israel, less than a mile from the border with Gaza, it’s […]
Sderot, Six Stops, New Spots (Photo Essay)

Baltimore Jewish Life Jerusalem, Israel – June 22, 2022 In 2009, the year after Operation Cast Lead, 242 missiles landed in the Sderot area, down from more than 3,200 rockets and mortars in 2008. In 2012, two a day was the average of 440 rockets fired from Gaza into Israel. Before Operation Pillar of Defense, in […]
Developing a strong Jewish identity for young Israeli women

By now, many Israelis and supporters of Israel are familiar with the Hesder Yeshiva in Sderot, which is Israel’s largest Hesder institution combining advanced Torah learning with Israel’s mandatory IDF army service – located less than a kilometer from the Gaza border. But the yeshiva is actually just one of the more than 10 educational […]